The Luminous |
Inner Core |
| |
How The Dinosaurs Lost Interest In Sex .... |
Next time you're in a large gathering, look around for a simple soul akin to an animal with no discernible motivation or attitude, and become that. Then if someone gives you a boner, so what? To be honest, it may be the universal boner. You don't know exactly where it's from. |
A Wicked |
Fast Religion |
rejection is its primary memory. |
control comes next. |
forgetting comes next. |
pleasure is its primary memory. |
exhilaration comes next. |
sleep comes next. |
waking up is its primary memory. |
awareness comes next. |
death comes next. |
humor is its primary memory. |
divisiveness comes next. |
nothing comes next. |
Consciousness of |
the Supernatural |
Start with the Realm of the Past on the left side of a circle. Fill it with history, culture, mistakes, science, electricity, proofs, and so on. Now draw a line down the middle of the circle. On the left side is the past, on the right side is the future. The present is the thin line running down the center of the circle. |
So what's going on? It looks like the left side of the circle, the past, is filled with all the stuff you know about and can read about in books, including archeology, literature, languages & culture. It looks like the right side of the circle, the future, is empty! Unless you fill it with the Supernatural. |
Now, here's what's interesting. It's very difficult to take memories or intelligence into the Realm of the Future! So what can we do about that? |
Start with the luminous molten iron inner core of the planet, known as the Black Sun. Take its standing wavelength, which is roughly 18,600 miles per cycle, multiply it by the alpha frequency of the human brain, which is roughly 10 cycles per second, and you get the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second. So now you know we're dealing with something extremely fast. |
We can pin clairvoyance on this speed. We can add to that the dreams & folktales people shared in medieval times. And finally we can add the mystical Force of Nature. |
Memories are really wounds of intelligence finely dissipated throughout the entire body by means of the healing process. This means for every memory you have pinned down, you have a piece of your intelligence pinned down along with it. The result in many people is a fragmented mess, with stupidity left over! |
So all you have to do is quiet your worries, by sensing the spot between your eyes, quiet your arguing by holding your breath, and quiet your complaining by sensing your belly and memorizing a speech or something. All this isn't particularly easy, though it's possible. |
It's helpful to find a teacher who can plant a seed inside you which can grow. And with a springtime some ten years later, Intelligence can merge with Dreams into the Realm of the Future with its vast Seas of Intuition, currents of the Supernatural & the vital Force of Nature. |
The Chicxulub impacter from outer space (clearly an assault on the Black Sun) a comet or an asteroid up to fifty miles across, and more than six miles thick, which struck the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico roughly 66 million years ago, probably bummed out the non-avian dinosaurs so much, they lost all interest in sex. |
A Current Of |
Community |
And Belonging |
If you were either Lucifer or Jesus and showed up at a downtown intersection in some city, say, Billings, Montana, or Southport, North Carolina, you might wonder how to achieve some sense of Community or Belonging at that particular moment. It seems pretty unlikely that anyone would invite you to a cocktail party, so what's a soul to do? |
You could meditate, though those waters may prove pretty tepid. How are you actually going to get into the flow? Meditation means emptying your mind to Buddhist nothingness. Contemplation, on the other hand, means consciously placing something in your mind, and totally quieting your mind otherwise. |
Personally, I would choose contemplating, and I would contemplate two things at once. The idea is to go deeper into your mind, and contemplating two things at once, then allowing your mind to go deeper, brings you to the Sea of Intuition. It's the Royal Path through the Golden Triangle. |
Here are some ideas to choose from: |
As you contemplate two of these ideas at once, and allow your mind to go deeper, something will open up inside yourself with a slight tingly sensation, maybe in the center of your chest. |
That's the golden triangle! Your intuition will come up with a plan. Follow that plan! |
A Celebration |
Of Rhythms |
Catch a rhythm and merge with it, then let go. |
Hold on a second! |