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Guide for the Perplexed


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People started talking millions of years ago.

When they invented writing, (and recently, using dictionaries,) they could look up the meanings of words using a form of artificial intelligence:

That is, to look up, say, "candle," in the dictionary, you look at the first letter, 'c,' move to a page where the other words start with a 'c,' ...

Then you look at the second letter, 'a,' and so forth, narrowing it down.

Finally, you find an entry for "candle," and you read its meaning, which adds to your understanding of the word.

Meaning is the precursor to understanding, which helps you use something as a tool.


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Words are relatively straightforward when it comes to understanding their meaning.

What about whole sentences? Wouldn't it be neat to be able to look up the meaning of an entire sentence, especially a "tricky" sentence, and jump straight to what you can say back?

To look up and say a few words that (1.) set boundaries, (2.) transform the paradigm, (3.) amuse bystanders, (4.) express social savvy, (5.) help someone grow through something, (6.) and all without getting analytical, critical or namby-pamby?

Understanding slowly advises, and suddenly awakens, deep emotional intelligence.


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Let's start with a simple example. Someone says, "Do you mind if I open the window?" You're not all that fussy about what they're up to – In other words, you don't really care – So upon hearing the word, "mind" in the sentence, you immediately respond, "Wide open!"

Of course, you could say anything back to another person, if you feel like being casually friendly, or working at answering their too-often one-sided questions, though it's extremely useful to know verbal tools you can slip in, almost under your breath, without "popping a cork" or "wonking it to death."

For example, "Do you mind if we turn down the music a little?"

"Wide open!"


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The idea is to develop, or cultivate, a certain ease and understanding with all forms of verbal expression, and to deeply understand precise social skills for resolving tricky, difficult, or downright aggressive speech – sticking up for yourself with small hints and gestures, so everybody "saves face."

We're not trying to change our personality; we're simply looking at and absorbing – not memorizing! – certain social skills.

(1.) They say something; (2.) You notice a key word in the sentence; (3.) You say something back; (4.) You begin to understand what's going on; (5.) Maybe you don't say anything back; (6.) It's natural; (7.) No hesitation; (8.) That's it.


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A "key word" can be any word in a sentence! However, there's probably a "best choice."

Let's "key in" on different words:

(A.) "Do YOU mind if we turn down the music a little?" . . . "Who, me?"

(B.) "Do you mind if WE turn down the music a little?" . . . "I'm easy."

(C.) "Do you mind if we turn down the music a LITTLE?" . . . "That's all?"

(D.) "Do you mind if we turn down the music A little?" . . . "Yeah, sure."

(E: The Winner ... so far!) "Do you MIND if we turn down the music a little?" . . . "Wide open!"


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taxi1010.com is simply an exploration of choices . . . responding to people not by fighting or attacking, but by understanding.

You have to look at it a little bit to understand it.

"MUSIC" hasn't been defined yet as a key word, so let's arbitrarily do that now: "Music" ==> category 52 ==> "How different."

(F.) "Do you mind if we turn down the MUSIC a little?" . . . "Total obedience ... and love!"


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That's it. If you don't have some fun here, what's the point? Our new site, TheBlackPool.com, takes meaning – and understanding – to a whole new level.

Whereas taxi1010.com explores the meaning of the mundane, the perplexing, and other verbal violence ...

TheBlackPool.com explores the meaning of entire websites!

If you look at the meaning of something, you can begin to understand it. That's our mantra.

I have no idea what "mantra" means. I've got to go look it up in a dictionary.


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Deep emotional intelligence disseminates ease, inner illumination, joie de vivre and pleasant associations. Your whole life can change.

Meaning ==> Learning ==> Understanding ==> Deep emotional intelligence ==> Becoming Yourself ==> Ease ==> Inner illumination ==> Joie de vivre ==> Pleasant associations

"No ads!" -- TheBlackPool.com -- "It's organic!"



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Surfing the web, looking for sites with no ads, I've seen the importance of ...

  • first impressions
  • clear mission
  • bulleted lists
  • intuitive navigation
  • consistent elements
  • scarlet roof beams
  • verbs, verbs, verbs!
  • salt & nourishment
  • the four-inch rule
  • fast-loading pages
  • older-browser support

"Columns of text shouldn't be wider than four inches," (the four-inch rule) some guy said on an old website, whose columns measured seven-and-a-half inches!

I couldn't believe it – I measured it.

Now go back up. There's no good below.

Click here for tapa de la página.




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This is the way the Internet used to be – Fire and Flame!

I don't know if a little kid should see it, but the graphics of the girl are good.

Just don't send me to a Christian school!