Star Project



graph ===> 2001.10.29






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The Manifesto



gate01.gif 2001.10.02

I Andromeda "Chained maiden"

—Totally different.

gate02.gif 2001.09.06

II Antlia "Air pump"

—Is it?

gate03.gif 2001.10.14

III Apus "Bird of paradise"

—Think so?

gate04.gif 2001.09.30

IV Aquarius "Water bearer"

—Totally destroyed.

gate05.gif 2001.09.15

V Aquila "Eagle"

Keep going! ...

gate06.gif 2001.09.21

VI Ara "Altar"

—You wonder.

gate07.gif 2001.10.04

VII Aries "Ram"

—Just imagine.

gate08.gif 2001.09.05

VIII Auriga "Charioteer"

—Must be.

gate09.gif 2001.09.02

IX Boötes "Herdsman"

—Very helpful.

gate10.gif 2001.10.18

X Caelum "Chisel"

—Anything else?

gate11.gif 2001.10.06

XI Camelopardus "Giraffe"

—Totally unhelpful.

gate12.gif 2001.10.16

XII Cancer "Crab"

—Thank you!

gate13.gif 2001.09.02

XIII Canes Venatici "Hunting dogs"

—Anything less?

gate14.gif 2001.09.11

XIV Canis Major "Great dog"

—Way ahead.

gate15.gif 2001.09.04

XV Canis Minor "Small dog"

—Sight unseen.

gate16.gif 2001.10.16

XVI Capricornus "Sea goat"

—Says who?

gate17.gif 2001.09.04

XVII Carina "Keel"

—All right.

gate18.gif 2001.10.09

XVIII Cassiopeia "Lady in chair"

—Nothing urgent.

gate19.gif 2001.09.13

XIX Centaurus "Centaur"

—Very advanced.

gate20.gif 2001.10.08

XX Cepheus "King"

—Beautiful, huh?

gate21.gif 2001.09.10

XXI Cetus "Whale"

—And more!

gate22.gif 2001.09.20

XXII Chamaeleon "Chameleon"

—Who knows?

gate23.gif 2001.09.24

XXIII Circinus "Pair of compasses"

—Hardly ever.

gate24.gif 2001.10.18

XXIV Columba "Dove"

—Really scary!

gate25.gif 2001.09.03

XXV Coma Berenices "Berenice's hair"

Midnight Special.

gate26.gif 2001.10.19

XXVI Corona Australis "S crown"

—Before long!

gate27.gif 2001.10.22

XXVII Corona Borealis "N crown"

—Just wait!

gate28.gif 2001.09.02

XXVIII Corvus "Crow"

—What's next?

gate29.gif 2001.09.04

XXIX Crater "Cup"

—Since when?

gate30.gif 2001.09.23

XXX Crux "S cross"

—Yeah, Plenty!

gate31.gif 2001.10.12

XXXI Cygnus "Swan"

—Cheer up!

gate32.gif 2001.09.16

XXXII Delphinus "Dolphin"

Never far.

gate33.gif 2001.10.22

XXXIII Dorado "Swordfish"

—Just vicious.

gate34.gif 2001.10.10

XXXIV Draco "Dragon"

—That's impressive.

gate35.gif 2001.10.06

XXXV Equuleus "Small horse"

—Stick around.

gate36.gif 2001.09.12

XXXVI Eridanus "River Eridanus"

—Very important.

gate37.gif 2001.10.03

XXXVII Fornax "Furnace"

—Okay, Kingfish!

gate38.gif 2001.09.12

XXXVIII Gemini "Heavenly twins"

—It's overwhelming.

gate39.gif 2001.09.25

XXXIX Grus "Crane"

—That's it.

gate40.gif 2001.09.18

XL Hercules "Kneeling giant"

—See that?

gate41.gif 2001.10.23

XLI Horologium "Clock"

—It's absurd!

gate42.gif 2001.09.02

XLII Hydra "Water monster"

—Stage directions.

gate43.gif 2001.10.24

XLIII Hydrus "Sea-serpent"

—It's devastating.

gate44.gif 2001.09.24

XLIV Indus "American Indian"

Never naïve.

gate45.gif 2001.10.02

XLV Lacerta "Lizard"

—No wonder.

gate46.gif 2001.09.02

XLVI Leo "Lion"

—Be honest.

gate47.gif 2001.09.03

XLVII Leo Minor "Lion cub"

—We'll wait.

gate48.gif 2001.09.06

XLVIII Lepus "Hare"

—Home free!

gate49.gif 2001.10.17

XLIX Libra "Beam balance"

—That soon?

gate50.gif 2001.10.17

L Lupus "Wolf"

—Total waste.

gate51.gif 2001.09.04

LI Lynx "Great cat"

Clean slate!

gate52.gif 2001.09.15

LII Lyra "Lyre of Zurah"

—I'm easy.

gate53.gif 2001.09.23

LIII Mensa "Table (mountain)"

—Wild, huh?

gate54.gif 2001.10.25

LIV Microscopium "Microscope"

—How's that?

gate55.gif 2001.10.26

LV Moroceros "Unicorn"

—That's all?

gate56.gif 2001.09.19

LVI Musca "Fly"

Au contraire.

gate57.gif 2001.09.16

LVII Norma "Carpenter's square"

—No shit!

gate58.gif 2001.10.28

LVIII Octans "Octant"

—Wicked, huh?

gate59.gif 2001.09.08

LIX Ophiuchus "Serpent holder"

—Way beyond!

gate60.gif 2001.09.06

LX Orion "Hunter"

—God knows!

gate61.gif 2001.10.29

LXI Pavo "Peacock"

Far superior.

gate62.gif 2001.09.29

LXII Pegasus "Winged horse"

—I've heard.

gate63.gif 2001.09.06

LXIII Perseus "Champion"

—What else?

gate64.gif 2001.09.25

LXIV Phoenix "Fire bird"

Go on!

gate65.gif 2001.09.04

LXV Pictor "Painter's easel"

—Everything changes.

gate66.gif 2001.09.29

LXVI Pisces "Fishes"

—Maybe less.

gate67.gif 2001.09.27

LXVII Piscis Austrinus "S fish"


gate68.gif 2001.09.12

LXVIII Puppis "Poop (stern)"

—Cheap thrills.

gate69.gif 2001.09.06

LXIX Pyxis "Mariner's compass"

—You're safe.

gate70.gif 2001.10.17

LXX Reticulum "Net"

—No telling.

gate71.gif 2001.09.16

LXXI Sagitta "Arrow"

—How delicate.

gate72.gif 2001.10.20

LXXII Sagittarius "Archer"

—How exotic.

gate73.gif 2001.09.17

LXXIII Scorpius "Scorpion"

—Why not?

gate74.gif 2001.10.29

LXXIV Sculptor "Sculptor's studio"

—Networking, eh?

gate75.gif 2001.10.29

LXXV Scutum "Shield"

—You sure?

gate76.gif 2001.09.08

LXXVI Serpens (Cauda and Caput)
"Serpent, Tail, Head"

—Going up!

gate77.gif 2001.09.02

LXXVII Sextans "Heavenly sextant"

—Oh, really?

gate78.gif 2001.09.06

LXXVIII Taurus "Bull"

—It's magic.

gate79.gif 2001.10.29

LXXIX Telescopium "Telescope"

—God forbid!

gate80.gif 2001.10.29

LXXX Triangulum "Triangle"

—Very unique.

gate81.gif 2001.09.15

LXXXI Triangulum Australe "S Triangle"

The alliance.

gate82.gif 2001.09.22

LXXXII Tucana "Beak bird"

—Very elusive.

gate83.gif 2001.10.05

LXXXIII Ursa Major "Great bear"

—No violence!

gate84.gif 2001.10.07

LXXXIV Ursa Minor "Small bear"

—Crazy, huh?

gate85.gif 2001.09.13

LXXXV Vela "Sails"

—I'll bet.

gate86.gif 2001.09.02

LXXXVI Virgo "Virgin"

—Way back!

gate87.gif 2001.09.21

LXXXVII Volans "Flying fish"

—What's missing?

gate88.gif 2001.10.13

LXXXVIII Vulpecula "Little fox"

No trouble.

