testbed |
range |
graph ===> 2001.10.29 |
A |
01-11 |
9 8 2 5 6 4 1 7 1 3 0 |
B |
12-22 |
3 5 7 1 4 9 2 0 8 6 2 |
C |
23-33 |
5 8 9 2 0 3 1 4 6 7 3 |
D |
34-44 |
2 8 6 0 9 4 7 5 4 1 3 |
E |
45-55 |
6 7 1 8 2 3 5 9 0 4 5 |
F |
56-66 |
5 3 0 9 7 6 4 6 2 8 1 |
G |
67-77 |
7 9 6 8 1 3 7 0 2 4 5 |
H |
78-88 |
6 8 5 1 7 2 3 4 8 9 0 |
project |
gate01.gif 2001.10.02 |
I Andromeda "Chained maiden" |
Totally different. |
gate02.gif 2001.09.06 |
II Antlia "Air pump" |
Is it? |
gate03.gif 2001.10.14 |
III Apus "Bird of paradise" |
Think so? |
gate04.gif 2001.09.30 |
IV Aquarius "Water bearer" |
Totally destroyed. |
gate05.gif 2001.09.15 |
V Aquila "Eagle" |
Keep going! ... |
gate06.gif 2001.09.21 |
VI Ara "Altar" |
You wonder. |
gate07.gif 2001.10.04 |
VII Aries "Ram" |
Just imagine. |
gate08.gif 2001.09.05 |
VIII Auriga "Charioteer" |
Must be. |
gate09.gif 2001.09.02 |
IX Boötes "Herdsman" |
Very helpful. |
gate10.gif 2001.10.18 |
X Caelum "Chisel" |
Anything else? |
gate11.gif 2001.10.06 |
XI Camelopardus "Giraffe" |
Totally unhelpful. |
gate12.gif 2001.10.16 |
XII Cancer "Crab" |
Thank you! |
gate13.gif 2001.09.02 |
XIII Canes Venatici "Hunting dogs" |
Anything less? |
gate14.gif 2001.09.11 |
XIV Canis Major "Great dog" |
Way ahead. |
gate15.gif 2001.09.04 |
XV Canis Minor "Small dog" |
Sight unseen. |
gate16.gif 2001.10.16 |
XVI Capricornus "Sea goat" |
Says who? |
gate17.gif 2001.09.04 |
XVII Carina "Keel" |
All right. |
gate18.gif 2001.10.09 |
XVIII Cassiopeia "Lady in chair" |
Nothing urgent. |
gate19.gif 2001.09.13 |
XIX Centaurus "Centaur" |
Very advanced. |
gate20.gif 2001.10.08 |
XX Cepheus "King" |
Beautiful, huh? |
gate21.gif 2001.09.10 |
XXI Cetus "Whale" |
And more! |
gate22.gif 2001.09.20 |
XXII Chamaeleon "Chameleon" |
Who knows? |
gate23.gif 2001.09.24 |
XXIII Circinus "Pair of compasses" |
Hardly ever. |
gate24.gif 2001.10.18 |
XXIV Columba "Dove" |
Really scary! |
gate25.gif 2001.09.03 |
XXV Coma Berenices "Berenice's hair" |
Midnight Special. |
gate26.gif 2001.10.19 |
XXVI Corona Australis "S crown" |
Before long! |
gate27.gif 2001.10.22 |
XXVII Corona Borealis "N crown" |
Just wait! |
gate28.gif 2001.09.02 |
XXVIII Corvus "Crow" |
What's next? |
gate29.gif 2001.09.04 |
XXIX Crater "Cup" |
Since when? |
gate30.gif 2001.09.23 |
XXX Crux "S cross" |
Yeah, Plenty! |
gate31.gif 2001.10.12 |
XXXI Cygnus "Swan" |
Cheer up! |
gate32.gif 2001.09.16 |
XXXII Delphinus "Dolphin" |
Never far. |
gate33.gif 2001.10.22 |
XXXIII Dorado "Swordfish" |
Just vicious. |
gate34.gif 2001.10.10 |
XXXIV Draco "Dragon" |
That's impressive. |
gate35.gif 2001.10.06 |
XXXV Equuleus "Small horse" |
Stick around. |
gate36.gif 2001.09.12 |
XXXVI Eridanus "River Eridanus" |
Very important. |
gate37.gif 2001.10.03 |
XXXVII Fornax "Furnace" |
Okay, Kingfish! |
gate38.gif 2001.09.12 |
XXXVIII Gemini "Heavenly twins" |
It's overwhelming. |
gate39.gif 2001.09.25 |
XXXIX Grus "Crane" |
That's it. |
gate40.gif 2001.09.18 |
XL Hercules "Kneeling giant" |
See that? |
gate41.gif 2001.10.23 |
XLI Horologium "Clock" |
It's absurd! |
gate42.gif 2001.09.02 |
XLII Hydra "Water monster" |
Stage directions. |
gate43.gif 2001.10.24 |
XLIII Hydrus "Sea-serpent" |
It's devastating. |
gate44.gif 2001.09.24 |
XLIV Indus "American Indian" |
Never naïve. |
gate45.gif 2001.10.02 |
XLV Lacerta "Lizard" |
No wonder. |
gate46.gif 2001.09.02 |
XLVI Leo "Lion" |
Be honest. |
gate47.gif 2001.09.03 |
XLVII Leo Minor "Lion cub" |
We'll wait. |
gate48.gif 2001.09.06 |
XLVIII Lepus "Hare" |
Home free! |
gate49.gif 2001.10.17 |
XLIX Libra "Beam balance" |
That soon? |
gate50.gif 2001.10.17 |
L Lupus "Wolf" |
Total waste. |
gate51.gif 2001.09.04 |
LI Lynx "Great cat" |
Clean slate! |
gate52.gif 2001.09.15 |
LII Lyra "Lyre of Zurah" |
I'm easy. |
gate53.gif 2001.09.23 |
LIII Mensa "Table (mountain)" |
Wild, huh? |
gate54.gif 2001.10.25 |
LIV Microscopium "Microscope" |
How's that? |
gate55.gif 2001.10.26 |
LV Moroceros "Unicorn" |
That's all? |
gate56.gif 2001.09.19 |
LVI Musca "Fly" |
Au contraire. |
gate57.gif 2001.09.16 |
LVII Norma "Carpenter's square" |
No shit! |
gate58.gif 2001.10.28 |
LVIII Octans "Octant" |
Wicked, huh? |
gate59.gif 2001.09.08 |
LIX Ophiuchus "Serpent holder" |
Way beyond! |
gate60.gif 2001.09.06 |
LX Orion "Hunter" |
God knows! |
gate61.gif 2001.10.29 |
LXI Pavo "Peacock" |
Far superior. |
gate62.gif 2001.09.29 |
LXII Pegasus "Winged horse" |
I've heard. |
gate63.gif 2001.09.06 |
LXIII Perseus "Champion" |
What else? |
gate64.gif 2001.09.25 |
LXIV Phoenix "Fire bird" |
Go on! |
gate65.gif 2001.09.04 |
LXV Pictor "Painter's easel" |
Everything changes. |
gate66.gif 2001.09.29 |
LXVI Pisces "Fishes" |
Maybe less. |
gate67.gif 2001.09.27 |
LXVII Piscis Austrinus "S fish" |
gate68.gif 2001.09.12 |
LXVIII Puppis "Poop (stern)" |
Cheap thrills. |
gate69.gif 2001.09.06 |
LXIX Pyxis "Mariner's compass" |
You're safe. |
gate70.gif 2001.10.17 |
LXX Reticulum "Net" |
No telling. |
gate71.gif 2001.09.16 |
LXXI Sagitta "Arrow" |
How delicate. |
gate72.gif 2001.10.20 |
LXXII Sagittarius "Archer" |
How exotic. |
gate73.gif 2001.09.17 |
LXXIII Scorpius "Scorpion" |
Why not? |
gate74.gif 2001.10.29 |
LXXIV Sculptor "Sculptor's studio" |
Networking, eh? |
gate75.gif 2001.10.29 |
LXXV Scutum "Shield" |
You sure? |
gate76.gif 2001.09.08 |
LXXVI Serpens (Cauda and Caput) |
Going up! |
gate77.gif 2001.09.02 |
LXXVII Sextans "Heavenly sextant" |
Oh, really? |
gate78.gif 2001.09.06 |
LXXVIII Taurus "Bull" |
It's magic. |
gate79.gif 2001.10.29 |
LXXIX Telescopium "Telescope" |
God forbid! |
gate80.gif 2001.10.29 |
LXXX Triangulum "Triangle" |
Very unique. |
gate81.gif 2001.09.15 |
LXXXI Triangulum Australe "S Triangle" |
The alliance. |
gate82.gif 2001.09.22 |
LXXXII Tucana "Beak bird" |
Very elusive. |
gate83.gif 2001.10.05 |
LXXXIII Ursa Major "Great bear" |
No violence! |
gate84.gif 2001.10.07 |
LXXXIV Ursa Minor "Small bear" |
Crazy, huh? |
gate85.gif 2001.09.13 |
LXXXV Vela "Sails" |
I'll bet. |
gate86.gif 2001.09.02 |
LXXXVI Virgo "Virgin" |
Way back! |
gate87.gif 2001.09.21 |
LXXXVII Volans "Flying fish" |
What's missing? |
gate88.gif 2001.10.13 |
LXXXVIII Vulpecula "Little fox" |
No trouble. |