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How 'bout that. Slumming.


18. Being You


Sometimes a person will slip in from the side and try to intimidate you, under the guise of camaraderie or being friendly. From your point of view, it's simply intrusive and interfering. (–Source: stargate22)


"Using NLP style tricks to calm down situations."
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—With stairways to nowhere ... What will today bring? ... Self-remembering is the beginning of consciousness ... When you're present to yourself, you're conscious.


"Another shitty day in paradise."
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—Two steps forward, one step back.


"Am I mentioned?"
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—Whatever you do, don't buy a chain saw.


"Is this yours?"
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—Look at the chart.


"What did you have to eat?" [From a stranger, sitting down next to you]
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—I'm sure they know.


"Hey, fuck you! Do you think I'm going to wait all day for you to take your turn?" [An SUV driver attacking your son, who's just learning how to drive]
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—Say, "I do not have a mother. I do not have a father. I am surrounded by assassins!" [Jimmy Durante voice]


"You know me! It could have been a piece of cardboard, and I've named it a shark!"
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—Just keep in mind you can't fall off the Earth.


"Oh, everybody loves me, everybody loves me."
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—The opposite of a vampire.


"I'm always in the wrong line."
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—No wonder you look so happy.


[Someone reading exam aloud]
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—There's a trick. [Talk to the proctor ... or get up and move to another part of the examination room]


"Do you talk to yourself?"
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—A tiny little poem ... It's really nice to be rich.


"Get over yourself."
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—You could quote Malcolm X: "The future belongs to those who prepare for it today."


"That's my business."
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—Secret offshore banking.


"The only thing I want you to know is that if my company had won the contract, I'd be YOUR boss."
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—I want you to take responsibility for that.


"We're a threesome – If you want to be involved, we'd have to ask you."
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—Oh, sorry – I have band practice.


"Plant yourself, and your faith will grow."
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—The Gnostics believe there's a spark of light inside people, and if they get in touch with it, they see the truth – When you can afford it, be honest.


"We're bigger and on top – If this were prison, you'd be our bitch."
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—Not Sicilians.


"You shut up! I'll beat your ass."
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—Just like yours, right?


"Hey, jerk-off, what do you want?"
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—To save money.


"You know, there's a trash can on either corner." [To a bum who just dropped a candy bar wrapper on the sidewalk]
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—You can be in two places at once; you just have to take your time.


"Pick it up!" [A canine feces]
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—They're not that smart.


"Kiss my butt!"
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—How 'bout that. Slumming.


"I know you are, but what am I?"
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—No mystery.


"You don't speak English?" [After saying something that made no sense at all]
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—You don't have enough trouble?


"What? For a minute there I thought you understood me." [Link from The E.\/.il Marketer, March 31, 2002]
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—I'll tell you privately sometime.


"You don't have a copy of that?" [Incredulously]
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—That must be a great feeling.


"Constitutional entitlements do not ... spring into existence, as the Court seems to believe, because foreign nations decriminalize conduct. ... The Court's discussion of these foreign views (ignoring, of course, the many countries that have retained criminal prohibitions on sodomy) is therefore meaningless dicta. Dangerous dicta, however, since 'this Court ... should not impose foreign moods, fads, or fashions on Americans.'" [Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, June 26, 2003, in a dissenting opinion, LAWRENCE v. TEXAS, referring to recent decisions by the European Court of Human Rights]
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—You can take those to school for Show and Tell.


"Can you take a ten-inch cock?"
—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—Why, is there one missing?


—How 'bout that. Slumming.
—It's hiding under the couch.



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