Having a self is not what people think it is It is not "living
from your emotions" or anything confessional or "New Age"
It's more akin to the way you would perceive the world upon
surviving a ship wreck. It's something you cling to. Finding
your self requires hard work and attention, in the same way a master
guitarist practices day after day, finds glimpses of their own talent,
then perceives simple sensations amidst beauty
in what happens every day. People try to steal this from you.
First they steal your attention. Second they steal your ability
to remember your self. Third, they steal your whole life. You have
to get back to your self, even amidst gangs of mean girls, pseudo-authorities,
and clueless parents. "Female meanness has always been based
on spite, gossip, rumor-spreading, ostracizing, getting groups to
target one girl in particular, making fun and a host of other actions
that can still make grown women feel a chill or worse at memories
of this behavior." (-Joan McClusky, "Mean Girls Aren't
a Myth. They're All Too Real," The New York Times, April
7, 2010) You have to cling to your self like a person thrown into
violent seas from the warmth, safety and foreboding nature of The
Titanic. Then you have to swim away as fast as you can! It's
everything about living! (Source: taxi1010.com stargate81)