



Mind Candy


Backhanded Compliments & Snide Remarks - It feels

like you're being deflated by oblique or roundabout

compliments that are really insults, not-so-cleverly

disguised - They're just trying to ruin your fun.

"It's such a nice day." [Sarcastically]
—Screwy, huh?
—It still is.


"That's not what Dino is saying."
—Thank goodness!
—That would really help me.


"You must be very talented."
—Different things.
—It's an effort to get back to what you were – Children
are very hopeful of life – They see life as a helper.


"It must be depressing to go through
life with no purpose."
—I've heard.
—Oh, that might have worked in prison, but it's
not going to work out here in the real world.


Punishing You for Doing Well - Their over-the-top

expectations are really put-downs, which are essentially

total ignoring - There are a million ways - This is a

smoke screen - Maybe they feel unloved and invisible.

"So now you're a big shot."
—What else?
—How did Mae West put it? – If evil knocks, I'll try it.


"Wake up!"
—By now.
—It's hard for me to count money and
think at the same time.


"You think you're pretty smart, don't you?"
—Ask around.
—Don't worry – You can count on ineptness.


"You might not be that smart."
—Just some.
—I'm talking about the realm of ideas,
a higher level of existence.



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