The Time-Line Fallacy - Any attempts
to force natural
or intellectual pursuits is essentially nonproductive -
Everything misery, depression,
loneliness vanishes
when self-esteem is based on honesty instead
ambition - Savor everything.
"How would you like to be in Waikiki
Very awkward.
The best things in life are free.
"Rich kids go
Even now.
Their parents? There's no such thing
as a rich kid.
"And how far
along would you say is that process?"
What's different?
Let things develop.
"Thank you for not breeding ...
Get out of the gene pool!"
Going up!
Be proud you're in a panic
It puts you
in the top one percent of humanity.
If someone expresses utter contempt for
don't say a word - Just tell an ex-Jesuit.
"I'd advise you to mind your manners
You're in the big water now."
Oh, really?
Now I think school is out.
"What are the results
of your research so far?"
Very simple.
You have to be yourself and
you have to like what you like.
"Why don't you introduce
me to this lovely young lady?"
Next time!
I told you he was a troublemaker.
"She's going over there in a purple
dress, purple socks,
and purple shoes, and I'm going to
tell everyone
you dressed her." [Mother to
a nine-year-old girl,
whose little sister is on an excursion]
It's terrible.
From rags to riches.