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Patient refers to it as stargate-four-oh

A Hypocrite.4






Likewise. Not the best. 

Pelican Bay Prison.

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—Bring it! Never stop.




The Fallacy of Overlooking the Facts — Specific or exceptional facts of a case may invalidate the general rule. Hypocritical people use disparaging tones of voice, implying some unspecified rule, to annihilate your accomplishments, dampen your glory, or put out your fire. Why should you be angry because someone has a brain missing?





[invincible ignorance, bragging] - They're not really talking to you - They're simply bragging! - Not knowing what they're talking about, and they're bragging about it! - Always isolating and pulling away, what they do is wing it at everyone else's expense - Holding infirmity as a threat, they just have the one thing to say to you to make you feel like two cents.

The Age of Self-Expression, ages 8-11




Exactly what someone said [or did]
... usually not very original.

The thoughts of a "bad child"
... to free your mind again.




"I never have any trouble parking over here."

—Likewise. Not the best.

—It's a nice place ... I could put it in there.

"The answer to the trivia quiz is that St. Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland ... but I don't know ... they don't have snakes in Ireland."

—Likewise. Not the best.

—That's proof.

"Here comes three-fifths! Hey, fraction!"

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—My crew will be in touch.

«Best verbal defense»

—Likewise. Not the best.

—We're not descendants of fearful men.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Pelican Bay Prison.

—No ... No, a boyfriend is too much trouble ... He's in jail ... He's in jail for a year ... I'm still friends with some of those people.

"QUIT." [Anonymous E-mail]

Pelican Bay Prison.

—Live fast, die young, and leave a lousy looking corpse.

"Stop smiling!"

—Likewise. Not the best.

—The good thing to do is get a sense of humor about your parents – That's the shortcut.

"I've already 'been there and bought the T-shirt.'"

—Likewise. Not the best.

—Pictures don't lie.

"That gives you a sense of fulfillment."

—Likewise. Not the best.

—Don't be just stodgy – Try to be creative.

"The great subjects of online video are stunts, pranks, violence, gotchas, virtuosity, upsets and transformations. Where television is supposed to satisfy expectations with its genres and formulas, online video confounds them." (—Virginia Heffernan, "The Susan Boyle Experience," The New York Times Magazine, 28 June 2009)

—Likewise. Not the best.

—"If you know exactly what you're going to do, then why bother doing it?" (–Picasso)

"His career is not a concern of mine. He's going to have to worry about that. I'm worried about my family and the character of my children." (–Jenny Sanford)

Pelican Bay Prison.

—It can't be forced.

"For better or worse, we are known for the company we keep."

—Not bad. Carelessness!

I want to sit .. and eat .. my spaghetti.

"That's all right – I'll overlook it."

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—So you have to look for it.

"Do you really believe the things you say?"

—Likewise. Not the best.

—What could be better?

"If we're relying on a decision from a German judge about what our Constitution means, no president accountable to the people appointed that judge and no Senate accountable to the people confirmed that judge ... And yet he's playing a role in shaping the law that binds the people in this country." (–U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. at his confirmation hearing)

Pelican Bay Prison.

—Humor me with specifics.

"Why shouldn't we look to the wisdom of a judge from abroad with at least as much ease as we would read a law review article written by a professor?" (–U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg)

—Likewise. Not the best.

—Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

"If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?"

—Likewise. Not the best.

—It's sad, it's murky, it's Wagnerian – They like to suffer.

"I'm a renown one-stop shopper."

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—This is really Australian farm stuff.

"I'm known for that."

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—It must be true.

"I've been known to go shopping on the other side of town."

—Likewise. Not the best.

—Is there anything wrong with that?

"When you see me smiling, you'll know."

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—Well, you know, that's a bonus.

"My opponent gives speeches; I offer solutions." (–Hillary Clinton, referring to Barack Obama)

—Likewise. Not the best.

—And that'll do it.


Pelican Bay Prison.

—I never saw it before.

"I won't dignify that with a response."

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—Easy the hard way.

"And I hold no hard feelings over your earlier disingenuousness." (–John McCain to Barack Obama and every news outlet on Capitol Hill)

—Bring it! Never stop.

—You know, give people a chance.

"I don't say ugly things."

—Likewise. Not the best.

—The importance of being civil in a wild world.


—Not bad. Carelessness!

—That's all it is.

"Snob Hill."

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—There goes one!

"Putting on airs."

—Likewise. Not the best.


"Give me back thirteen." [Someone from the Olympic Club pretending they gave you a twenty dollar bill; they actually gave you a ten dollar bill, which you immediately stuck under a rubber band attached to your visor - separate and VERY VISIBLE]

—Likewise. Not the best.

—You gave me a ten.

"All of this is highly complex and difficult to understand."

—Likewise. Not the best.

—You never know what someone is like until you see what they do.

"People attach no value to it if it's free."

—Likewise. Not the best.

—I've given something to people all over the world.

«How to use sarcasm in self defense»

—Likewise. Not the best.

—You can have a show, My Early Life ... Like I'm in the Army or something ... There's all different kinds. [See "Baiting" at stargate18]

"I'm hesitant because I don't want to get on any mailing list."

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—Eighteen times in the last three weeks.

"Don't say things like that."

—Bring it! Never stop.

—Take more Mental Health Days.

"Do what you want – I don't give a damn."

—Bring it! Never stop.

—I'm just a person.

"Non-Escalating Verbal Self Defense. kthor 12/21/99 09:03:02 AM EST. Category: Society & Culture, People. Rating: 8.39. Votes: 25. 11 Comments. Okay, now help me out here. This guy's apparently a taxi driver with a completely insane metaphysical view on life. There's 88 pages, each named 'Stargates' for some reason. And it's all so I can have better conversational skills?"

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—It's just like Antigone – She had to pay a lot for her ideals.

"Read Civilization and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud."

—Bring it! Never stop.

—Something new.

"No, I don't want an extra receipt – I don't cheat people."

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—Does that mean that I am?

"Have you ever betrayed your husband?"

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—My beautiful assistant will help you.

"Have you ever cheated on your wife?"

Pelican Bay Prison.

—It's because you're good.

"Would you cheat?"

—Bring it! Never stop.

—You know, you always think of me – You're so selfless.

"That's what I was going to say before I was interrupted."

—Likewise. Not the best.

—Very intelligent.

"We're at one hundred right now." [Pointing out the block number on California Street]

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—It's like eating a hot fudge sundae.

"Any luck?"

—Bring it! Never stop.

—If it stays.

"I've seen verbal defense sites, though, which were not half as big [As taxi1010] but included some digestible information."

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—There are still plenty of people who pay for things.

"So, this is your business card?" [Dubiously]

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—It is an interesting problem — being taught to be a child, being afraid to be grown-up.

"Oh, you work for The New York Times. How nice ... An editor. How nice ... Oh, science. How nice." (Cornelia Dean)

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—Too heavy ... too heavy ... too heavy for what?

[Someone repeating what you just said, word for word, in an incredulous tone of voice]

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—You don't know the half of it.


—Likewise. Not the best.

—That costs a lot.

"Oh, you're a writer, too?"

—Likewise. Not the best.

—It's a lot easier to make a house than to fix one up.

"Volume 21 ...?" [Scoffing out loud, with an incredulous tone of voice expressing total disbelief]

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—No other complaints? [They don't like you; they're just little narcissists - their parents were super rats, and they're just small rats ... so they get you to feel sorry for them, and then they stick the knife in you]

"You're a writer?" [Sneering in disbelief]

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—But of course it's against the rules to help a child.

"I have so many things!"

—Likewise. Not the best.

—It's wicked.

"I can't go to the movies anymore."

Pelican Bay Prison.

—A manic depressive who never gets manic.

"I'm not a girl – I'm a woman!"

—Likewise. Not the best.

—She's a real bargain.

"Then quit calling me a girl!"

Pelican Bay Prison.

—Especially in Berkeley.

"I already have a boyfriend."

—Likewise. Not the best.

—Does it cost anything?

"Don't be getting any ideas."

Pelican Bay Prison.

—You could have two.

"The answer to your question is, my sanity and my youth, but maybe one day it'll turn up."

Pelican Bay Prison.

—You're just struggling to prove I'm wrong ... It's getting kind of hopeless.

"Do you always go after girls who already have a boyfriend?"

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—Things are changing so fast.

[Gesture for a "hand-job"]

—Not bad. Carelessness!

—You'll go blind!

"I changed my mind."

—Bring it! Never stop.

—As long as your idea is to learn something, how can you lose?
























The Other Side of Politically Correct

My friend Will told me of a wacky old man he once knew who amid many eccentric notions had one piece of shining advice: "Never get into an argument with an idiot, because when people are walking down the street, they'll say, 'Look at those two idiots arguing!'"

The quickest way to resolve an argument is to simply agree with the opponent, or to leave him pinned to his own words. This is especially effective when someone is trying to restructure the universe in terms of the Politically Correct.

"I'm not a girl — I'm a woman!"

—Likewise. Not the best.

"Then quit calling me a girl!"

Pelican Bay Prison.

On the other side, the way they put this idea in women's circles is, "The pigs are inviting you to get down and wallow, except you really don't want to do it, because the pigs like it!"




"How to Disarm Mean People"

What to Say When You
Don't Know What to Say




When another person says something that leaves you speechless, they have rejected you in advance, probably because they were preoccupied in ways they don't even understand. Instead of encouraging you, or facilitating the natural flow of conversation, the other person abandoned you, leaving you speechless.

Tiny undercurrents of (1.) jealousy, (2.) control, (3.) hatred, (4.) anger, (5.) fear, (6.) greed, and (7.) intimidation, which they can't even feel, rise up from below their conscious perception and influence whatever they say, leaving you speechless. In short, they don't know what they're doing.



[Start at the top]


(1.) Jealousy permeates our culture to such an extent, you can almost always assume it is present when you feel empty or at a loss for words. It frequently takes the form of snob appeal, eliciting our feelings we are aristocrats at heart — specifically, a self-abandonment for the sake of occupying a more powerful, successful, or well-to-do position.

Poetically speaking, whenever you make an effort to get along with them, your ship of rapport is turned back from the sea of perseity to crash upon the shores of nonexistence. They say things that imply you're prone to making mistakes or simply unable to meet their shifting directions.

You can almost always respond with a robust "—No doubt," or "—Very enriching," as in the following examples.


"We know the procedure, Richard!"


—No doubt.


"Cigarettes will kill you."


—Very enriching.



[Start at the top]


(2.) Control is a balance between care and fear, such as in the care we take to hold a newborn baby, and in the fear we take not to drop it. When fear is applied without intelligence, it can take the form of a negative assumption. If you're quick enough, you can frequently respond, "—Really tough," or "—We'll manage," as in the following examples.


"I'm going to be a bad customer — I only have a twenty."


—Really tough.


"At least you pronounced my name right, so we're off to a good start."


—We'll manage.



[Start at the top]


(3.) Hatred needs its own language. Why, when the alarm clock started ringing this morning at four-thirty a.m., did I keep dreaming, "—We'll manage," as I groggily reached for the snooze button? "—We'll manage," I repeated over and over, at eight minute intervals. Wasn't I leading the damn clock on? Shouldn't I have been more honest, more true to myself, by just smacking it and saying, "—Bad timing," or "—That's all?" then rolling over and falling back asleep?

The only thing alarm clocks, or people who truly care for you, won't teach you is how to honestly reject them (if only for eight to ten minutes). So here are some slim ways to put people off, all filed under, "—Bad timing." ...


"Hello, I'm calling from the San Francisco Chronicle."


—Bad timing.
—We get it already.
—We've got 'em stacked three feet high out on the front lawn.


[Strip-o-gram at the office]


—Bad timing.
—If I'm not back in five minutes, just wait longer.


[Heavy breathing over the telephone]


—That's all?
—Stick to your own kind!
—Easy to forget.


[Someone sitting at your desk using your telephone]


—Bad timing.
—I'm extremely busy.


"Are you free for dinner this week?"


—Bad timing.
—I'd like to, but I can't.



[Start at the top]


(4.) Anger comes from all over the map and actually starts to make sense when you know the right words. Recognizing the language of pure rage isn't too difficult: oaths, curses, threats, or tantrums, frequently masquerading as provocative prejudices. So what we have left over is the language of veiled anger.

To recognize veiled anger, you have to build a shelter of privacy inside yourself, and set up rules for how and when another person can get inside. For instance, if someone implies they can read your mind, or can accurately gauge your inner attitude, they're probably invading your zone of inner privacy. The hardest thing to understand is that even if they're right, they're wrong. What's inside you is your inner cathedral, and you might think, "—That's strange," "—It's criminal," "—Or whatever," or "—The reverse!" whenever you notice someone bumbling near or gazing through the door.

The shortcut for recognizing veiled anger is to identify a particular person who expresses it, and you generally have to look no farther than a nearby boss or authority figure. Those guys go to seminars to learn how to pretend to like people, which is really strange when you think about it. I mean, even a dog knows how to steal your heart — or a free lunch.


"What would you say if somebody said, 'I don't like the way you're teaching this seminar!'—?"


—That's strange.
—It's a world within a world.


"Excuse me, will you please check your bag?"


—The reverse!
—That's my getaway bag!


Emotionally, anger is the means whereby a person or an animal makes itself appear larger than life, usually to protect its young. When misused, anger conceals emotions that betray the telling of lies, helping "the powerful" intimidate and "rise to the top."

When anger fails, some people resort to hitting other people in the imagination. Exploiting innocence, they say just enough to arouse another person's curiosity or inquisitiveness, then step back and pretend their veiled anger is important.


"That doesn't make sense."


—The reverse!
—Please, allow me to continue.


Notice, how in this example, I didn't stop to supplicate myself to the other person simply because they uttered four little words. ("That doesn't make sense.") Out of generosity, I replied with seven. If they continue interrupting me, I would repeat "—The reverse!" over and over again.


[Someone rudely
interrupting you]


—The reverse!
—Excuse me, we're both talking at the same time.
—It's a strange tangle.
—Tune in next week.
—Please, allow me to continue.


"You think you're better than others?"


—That's strange.


"You don't know how lucky you are."


—Or whatever.


Certain managers use veiled anger to entrap their employees, so it's useful to think, "—That's strange," before they even start. Try to see them as frightened children who, in turn, are trying to get you to abandon your inner cathedral.



[Start at the top]


(5.) Fear, in its purest form, is raw energy, brought about by a flow of adrenaline. For instance, on the freeway, when another driver "cuts you off," you really resent your own flow of adrenaline. It's your adrenaline that's cut you off from driving around, partly in a dream.

Sometimes the smallest amount of fear can cut people off from real perceptions of who other people are and what's actually happening around them in everyday life. When this happens, they try to replace direct knowledge of being alive, the truest of all perceptions, with some cultural ideal of being good, based upon irreconcilable childhood experiences.

Perched high up on a globe of goodness, under the banner of showing polite interest in other people, they intermingle puffed-up put-downs ("—What else?") with irrational questions ("—Whatever's fair,") until every bird at the party gets bored out of their trees and walks off.


"You must be warm — You don't have a coat on."


—What else?
—Why, I don't know.


"So what do Black people think of Louis Farrakhan?"


—Whatever's fair.
—It all depends on what you take seriously.


"So now you're a big shot."


—What else?
—Isn't life weird?



[Start at the top]


(6.) Greed is an illusion, a minor annoyance. Both greed and jealousy are almost unnoticeable — and difficult to spot — because they're built into the culture.

You have the right to stop people when they're being greedy — grabby for your attention, gluttonous for your time and energy, and ever so glad to separate you from your own personal experiences. Their greed is "—Quite unnecessary." Your life is your birthright, and you have the right to defend it, "—YOU could," for any reason whatsoever.


"Everybody, SHUT UP!"


—Quite unnecessary.
—YOU could.


"You're worried about this meeting?"


—Quite unnecessary.
—The aim is to get the job done, not to work all the time.


"So are they paying you for that glowing recommendation?"


—Quite unnecessary.
—YOU could.


"What are you doing, horoscopes?"


Quite unnecessary.
—Are you doing research?


"Better luck next time."


—Quite unnecessary.
—I'm better off right now.



[Start at the top]


(7.) Intimidation — On their side, they sell drugs and live in my neighborhood.

On my side, I take two little dogs for a walk, and I'm careful what I say to someone who can beat me up.

On their side, they carry out elaborate posturing and intimidating rituals.

As they walk by my gate, one of them reaches out and touches the front latch in a menacing way.

On my side, I feel a jolt of fear, and think, —Who knows?

But I'll never back down. —That's very interesting. — I'll mention it to the boys downtown.


"Hello. Who's this?"


—Who knows?


"Do you have the telephone receiver in your hand?"


—Who knows?


"Shove it up your ass!"


—I wouldn't.


On their side, one of them asks me, "What kind of dogs are those?"

On my side, I say, "One is a West Highland White, and the other is a Scottish Terrier."

A few days later one of them says,


"So you've got a couple of poodles, huh?"


—Who knows?
—Thanks for giving me another chance.


I am about to say, —It pays to have a sense of humor, I'll tell you that, but I keep on walking.

A few weeks later a street bum keeps up a steady stream of personal questions, and I keep repeating, "—Who knows?"

Suddenly he breaks into a big grin and says,


"You keep a person thinking, huh?"


—I was just about to ask you the same thing.


[Start at the top]









As follows

CODE WORDS: abroad, accountable, airs, any, appointed, attach, Beserkeley, betrayed, binds, bliss, boyfriend, card, changed, character, cheat, cheated, complex, confounds, damn, defense, dial, digestible, dignify, disingenuousness, earlier, edifying, expectations, flippant, fraction, Freud, fulfillment, [hand-job], highly, hundred, ignorance, included, interrupted, Ireland, known, list, mail, movies, [nitpicking], overlook, quit, relying, renown, [repeating], review, row, sanity, schmaltzy, science, [scoffing], shaping, sites, skills, smiling, snakes, snob, spark, speeches, things, thirteen, though, three-fifths, thunder, tricky, trivia, T-shirt, volume, woman, writer


"Kneeling giant"

—Likewise. Not the best.